Hey everyone. As you've probably guessed, we arrived safely back in Canada 11 days ago. Since we've been back we've fought jet lag, schooled our Pawlak friends in Monopoly, reunited with our dog and attempted to answer the nagging question, what's next? I'd love to say we have an answer but as of this minute, we're still nomads.
We are currently staying in the tiny ocean town of Crofton, on Vancouver Island, contemplating our next step. Its a good place to be when you don't know where to be plus Angie's parents live here. They're full up at the moment so we're staying at The Twin Gables motel, an all fifties one bedroom hood where the TV works but Franklin is usually blue. Still, its cozy for now and has inspired us to contemplate at a faster pace, ha. The good news is we have been presented with 2 great opportunities so we'll persue both and see what happens. Either way, we should have an answer in the next 6 weeks, if not sooner. Actually if you want, you could pray that we'll sense God's leading and have the wisdom and courage to follow it. Thanks.
People ask us if its good to be home. While it's good to be back in Canada, we're not home. We're still staying in someone else's place, living out of our backpacks (our stuff remains stored in Calgary until our future is decided) and contemplating the future. Ask us on a good day and we'll tell you we're living the adventure, ask on a bad and we'll use different words. Its been good though, and while there've been plenty of moments, this experience has stretched and shaped us individually and as a family more than any stay at home experience could ever hope to. In fact, I heartily recommend you, yes you, buck security and comfort for a spell so you can learn to appreciate what you have and insure you're not holding on to anything too tightly. If you are it'll loosen you up freeing you in the end. The way I see it is either you loosen up or life will force you to loosen up. Might as well be proactive.
Anyways, thanks so much for following us on our European adventure. As for this blog, it'll stay in cyber space but we won't be writing on it anymore. In the mean time, we're working hard to get the rest of our pictures online. Once we do, you'll be the first to know. If you're curious to see what's next for us as well as read our thoughts on this and that, please keep on following. We'll post the new blog address soon, so I guess we'll be writing here again after all.
The adventure continues.
P.S. Speaking of adventure, God went ahead and dumped a whack of snow here the other night. The locals are baffled but we're loving it, similar to the score in the hockey game last night.
I was really glad to see that you wrote again, I had been checking regularly for the next update...not being 'in the know' about where you ended up for the present...I visited Crofton once many years ago, had a freshly boiled crab on the beach over a cooking fire...there.
... am glad you wrote again.
I wouldn't say "schooled"...at least not me and not all the time! I'm not bitter in the least....maybe a little. Come back soon and I'll school you on my "new" pool table! HA!
Wait a minute, Mr Postman!! Keep us "posted" on the situation! Seriously! Hope the O.P. works out, but any which way, God will take care of you guys!
And, Yes, Thank you for helping Calgary stay on top of the NW!
Have a great Xmas and hopefully see you in the New Year!
Chicago 9 Edmonton 2. The good news is that we only lost by 1 touchdown. If this were football it would be considered a close game.
Please fire me !!
Craig MacTavish
Calgary 6, St. Louis 3. We apologize to those living (or wishing to live, for some insane reason) in Northern Alberta for helping you realize what a REAL NHL team from this province can look like. At least we are able to provide you with something to strive for in the future. (Which may take eons, so you'd be better off just moving back here to save some time). Take it from me, Maurice Richard trophy winner and former Edmontonian who was blessed with being traded to a world-class city.
Jarom Iginla
My name is actually Jarom, not Jarom(e) as the E has been removed due to my disgust with Edmonton.
Just to clarify.
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