Happy Thankgiving Everyone! We are thankful for all our wonderful friends and family back home. We read and treasure every comment and would love to respond to each of you individually but time and the fact that we do not have internet prevents that from happening. Please know we love hearing from you, and are thankful on this, thanksgiving.
We are celebrating by going out for a fancy French meal tonight. Poor french restaurant, they are about to be Closed, pun intended.
The Closes
P.S. I am particularly thankful that the Oilers won their first game!
Both Dennis and I are enjoying your blog daily. We have turned Laurel (our granddaughter) on to this blog as well. Dennis and I (years ago) had been bitten with that dreaded 'travel bug' with our first European jaunt driving ourselves through Portugal, Spain and Gibraltar. We have successfully infected Laurel with this 'bug' in 3 weeks of travel with her last summer throughout Europe. We are happily accepting that there is no antidote and we know that we shall be happily infested until the end of our lives.
Do your children realize how lucky they are? We 'know' your sights and photos and are seeing them through your eyes once again. Thanks. Lovely recreation for us..reading your journal. It should really be published somewhere important..providing some renumeration$$$! It is very interesting and entertaining at the same time. There are not alot of publications relating to foreign travel with children. MORE PLEASE..
Dennis and Sherry Gamble Winnipeg
We're thankful too...
for having so much,
for kids and grandkids(even son-in-laws, most of the time),
that God loves us(all of the time),
for turkeys (not you John),
that you are having fun,
but, that you will be home soon,
and...that the Canucks are going to make a grease stain out of the Oilers.
We love you!
Love Kristi,Cyrus,Connor and Kayla
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