Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Garage Sale Insurance

I'm used to posting whenever I have a compelling thought, hence the infrequence, but now that our blog is only travel stuff, its harder - especially since we haven't left. Its not as if I can say "Golly, Julius Caesar's tomb was sure smaller then I imagined" or "Ethan peed in the Trevi Fountain this morning, that Ethan, what a pee er." For now, I am reduced to pontificating on itineraries and packing lists or reflecting on my pre trip feelings. Yawn. I suppose I could rant and rave about our budget airline that keeps sending us "due to operational reasons we are forced to cancel blah blah blah email" but I'll save that for the witty wife. Speaking of wife, welcome back wife, we've missed you in blogville.

We tried to have a moving sale last weekend. Our goal was enough to pay for our travel insurance. I woke up early, placed the colourful signs in strategic places, picked up some Tim's and returned determined to sell. The first 2 hours went ok. We sold 104 books to the daycare across the street as well as our Entertainment package (Tv, Dvd/Vcr and stand). The next 8 hours we made $50. That's $6 an hour to barter in the freezing cold with people determined to get a couch for $10, a shelf for $5 and a painting for $2. And don't even get me started on the motha flippin stuffed animals. "How much for this one?" "$2 sir. "What about this one?" They're actually all 2 dollars sir. "uh huh. What about this one?" *Holds up another stuffed animal* That one? $45. Or free, if you die. The next day, the kids lugged everything out again determined to add to our pot. I hate Garage Sales. Besides, who really needs travel insurance? Right?


P.S. Right?


Scrawney John Smith said...

I happen to love garage sales. Not my own, of course.

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

Lenny doesn't believe in travel insurance - and always told me i was wasting my money when going to foreign countries...and you know what? he was right. i've never had to use it.
but do you really feel like chancing it?
happy garage-selling!

Nic said...

it is like gambling, except more sinful.

Anonymous said...

Well, here we are in October and I'm just reading the blog from the ground up. I didn't believe in travel insurance either until my niece had to cancel her trip to Europe because she got strep throat. It was money well spent for her. Oh yeah, she now lives in Italy and wears, you guessed it Angie, REAL ITALIAN LEATHER BOOTS WITH BIG HEELS!!
Love Bren