We finally finished with our house on Sunday, fitting all our earthly possessions into a 14 ft moving truck. I was sick (every time- it's a tradition of mine) and then threw out my neck, making me look like I was hunched over my invisible walker, like I should be shaking my fist at the birds or scowling out my window from behind a curtain. I'm on the mend now, though, thanks to our chiropractor and some pretty heavy duty muscle relaxants (ahhh). Mostly, I think I'm better because we're done moving!!!
Now we're down to three days and we have taken care of almost everything. I think. Really, we won't know until we're in the middle of France and realize we don't have that special France thing that gets you into all the museums for free and keeps you dry in the rain and locates your lost passports. I'm sure there's a thing out there like that that I've missed somehow. Our passports are safe for now, thanks to Hope. She confiscated them when we moved in with her four days ago. She also created a special file for our birth certificates and labled some ziplocks for important things. It's very good to have a well organized friend.
Now we're at the point of figuring out if we were completely out of our minds when we thought we could carry our every need for four months in five backpacks (actually, Alexa's shouldn't count, it would fit Barbie). I'm picturing John with a couple of extra back packs, one on each arm. He won't wear a fanny pack (thank the good Lord), but what about a thigh pack? A top of the foot pack? A forehead pack? That or we'll be travelling Europe without pants.
Here we come Europe!
good call on the 'no fanny pack'...those things should be outlawed
uh, just don't call it a 'fanny' pack in Britain or Europe. hehe
Even Fanny doesn't wear a fanny pack. And you guys are out of your minds, but it has nothing to do with how many back packs you take. If I wasn't otherwise committed...
Dorky or not, those things are pretty dang convenient when you're travelling. I'm not saying I have one (maybe), just when I see someone casually whip out their money or passport, while I fumble through my bag for mine, I think there's a price willing to be paid for convenience! And, you can get the ones that actually go inside your pants. Which, come to think now, must look slightly more awkward when rummaging through it. Maybe just stick to the backpacks.
What part of France are you going to? Conrad lives in the South of France. Antibes to be exact. Very beautiful down there. You should hunt them up if you are in the area. They'd be thrilled to see you.
Laura Olson
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